Sunday, July 16, 2006

the happiest place on earth

Moving slowly along the ride,
The adjacent seat is filled with emptiness –
Not of someone who was,
But someone who will be.

Maybe it's because I'm in the land of fairy tales,
Where "someday my prince will come" isn't politically incorrect
That this ever-present emptiness feels heavy today.

Walt, why did you tell me that a princess I wouldn't be
Until my prince finds me?

My hand falls on the cool plastic.
I close my eyes, imagine a touch.
But when eyes are open,
only the emptiness remains.

I will return and say that I'm satisfied and whole.
But yet, "It is not good for man to be alone."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a really good poem. :o) It definitely speaks to that weird stage that we all have been/are going through. I love you.